Exact uncertainty relations physical significance The Heisenberg inequality \Delta X \Delta P \geq \hbar/2 can be replaced by an exact equality, for suitably chosen measures of position and momentum uncertainty, which is valid for all wavefunctions The statistics of complementary observables are thus connected by an ``exact'' uncertaintyExact definition is to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain How to use exact in a sentence Did you know?英語 {えいご} の~と全く同じ意味 {いみ} の日本語 {にほんご} repeat exact ly the same word s 全く同じ言葉 {ことば} を繰 {く} り返す

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意味 (英語) (adjective) Strictly and completely in accord with fact;Synonym Discussion of exactExact 細部までぴったり、正確という意味です。例えば an exact copy は、元物と隅から隅まで同じという意味です。 例 I don't remember the exact words 正確な言葉は覚えていない。 It's an exact match それはぴったり合致するね。 It's an exact fit それはちょうど合っ

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A If you mean 'exact' and 'exacting' as in adjectives, they have distinct differences Exact means perfect/precise/accurate An example is 'The bill is around $43, but the exact amount you need to pay is $4281 Exacting on the other hand means something along the lines of having too high standards or to be too demanding/exacting too much Timeis displays exact, official atomic clock time for any time zone (more than 7 million locations) in 52 languages Automated access is prohibited Support for cookies and JavaScript is requiredPrecise 意味, 定義, precise は何か 1 exact and accurate 2 very careful and accurate, especially about small details 3 exact and もっと見る

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ここでは、Microsoft Excel の EXACT 関数の書式および使用法について説明します。 説明 2 つの文字列を比較して、まったく同じである場合は TRUE を、そうでない場合は FALSE を返します。 EXACT 関数では、大文字と小文字は区別されますが、書式の違いは無視されます。Accurate 意味, 定義, accurate は何か 1 correct, exact, and without any mistakes 2 correct, exact, and without any mistakes 3 もっと見るExact 意味, 定義, exact は何か 1 in great detail, or complete, correct, or true in every way 2 to demand and get something もっと見る 辞典

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Weblio辞書 to be exact とは意味厳密に言えば 例文It's a 4‐cylinder engine, or to be exact, a 4‐cylinder, internal‐combustion engine 「to be exact」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書Exactlyとは。意味や和訳。副1 正確に,厳密に,きっかり,ぴったり;まさに,ちょうどexactly at five o'clock5時きっかりにHe looks exactly like his brother彼は兄にそっくりだThe reality is exactly the opposite現実は正反対だ2 〔文修飾〕正確に言ってWhat exactly Exactly what did he die o 80万項目以上収録、例文 Exact change is exactly the amount of money you need to buy something Exact fare is exactly the amount of money you need to ride a bus, train, taxi, etc This expression is commonly used when talking about bus fare;

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